Summer League Payment Process


The NCISL Board of Directors has approved a new process for payment for the Summer League which is described as follows. Please read carefully to avoid any late payment fees.

1. All teams must pay a deposit to ensure their place in the league.  Visit here to pay your deposit.

2. All teams must pay their balance for Summer League  by email money transfer or on one cheque payable to the NCISL on one of the following date:

  Friday June 14th

2. Mail your cheque to the NCISL so that it arrives before June 14th. Please indicate on the cheque which Club you are paying for

Please mail your cheque to
1973 Old Carp Rd
K0A 1L0


You can send an email money transfer to 

3. If you are unclear of your final bill please contact me at

4. Clubs who miss the deadline will have to pay a late payment fee of $50.00

5. Any cheque that is returned NSF from the bank will be considered to have missed the payment deadline and will therefore also have to pay the late payment fee of $50.00

6. Clubs who still owe money from fines issued in the previous season must settle up when they paying for the 2021 season.

7. Clubs who have not paid the majority of their Summer League Fees by the start of the season will not be permitted to start the season until they have done so.

8. Deposits are not refundable.  They maybe posted to the following season.

9.  The NCISL will issue a refund based on the following criteria:

  • Team withdraws 30 days prior to season start - full refund
  • Team withdraws less than 30 days prior to season start - no refund
  • If season is canceled - full refund minus $200 administration fee
  • Season is canceled midway through - review a per game fee based on number of games not played
  • Team withdraws, season continues - no refund


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