The program has two objectives

1. To encourage NCISL summer teams to purchase a new set of uniforms every 3 years

2. To offer our members preferred pricing with a uniform supplier

1. Each club who enters the Summer League will have a uniform account set up with the NCISL

2. A club will be invoiced a mandatory uniform program fee for each team with their entry fee for the summer league which will cover the cost of approximately 1/3 of a new set of shirts per team. This amount will be pre-determined by the Board of Directors for the current season. The amount will then be added to the club's uniform account

3. A club is not restricted to solely using the preferred supplier chosen by the league for their uniform purchase

4. Once a set of team uniforms have been purchased, a withdrawal request from the uniform account can be made by submitting a email to the NCISL together with the receipt for the uniform purchase (up to a maximum amount of the current balance which is in the uniform account). A team uniform is defined as a set of shirts, shorts or socks and should be in accordance with Rule #8 of the Competition Rules

5. Should a club carry a uniform account balance with the NCISL of $400.00 or more per team by March 1st of the following year, the NCISL will intervene and purchase uniforms for the club on its behalf and will charge an administrative fee of $50.00 per team.

6. Should a club leave the NCISL with an open club uniform balance, the money will be transferred to NCISL general funds

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